St. Oliver Plunketts


Mass Times

Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am

about St. Oliver Plunketts

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time


 Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.

Sunday February 12th 2023

 The Law of Christ – Love

Jesus said to his disciples: “I tell you, if your virtue goes no deeper than that of the Scribes and Pharisees you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.” The Scribes and Pharisees in the time of Jesus were very good-living people who had missed the point. They were fully committed to the Law but had lost the Spirit. How easy that is for us to do also. In marriage, for example, it is not enough for a husband or wife to avoid getting entangled in another relationship. Their fidelity is far more than that because it has to lead them to build up their love for one another in every way possible. In family life so many parents give their children everything except very often what the children need most, namely their time, their affection, and their affirmation. And in our faith community it is all too common for people to reduce the practice of their faith to simply going to Mass on a Saturday/Sunday rather than getting involved in creating a community that expresses itself in the weekly Eucharist.


Morning Prayer, when together

God our Father,

you have promised to remain forever

with those who do what is just and right.

Help us to live our marriage in your presence.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


During the day, when apart

Lord, we make the offering of our married love

in obedience to your word.

May your word cleanse and renew us

and lead us to our eternal reward

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Evening/Night Prayer together

Lord, you offer us life to the full.

May we always hunger for all that is best.

We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.


Questions for Action for the week

For your marriage: In what ways could you compliment your wife/husband this week?


For others: Think of someone with whom you haven’t been in touch lately.  How could you do that this week?