Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.
February 25th – March 3rd 2024
This is my Son, the Beloved
“It is wonderful for us to be here.” Peter made this enthusiastic statement in the story of the Transfiguration, which is given to us this Sunday for our inspiration in faith. Each of us has a right to be able to make this same statement in our following of Christ. It is also one of the most important responsibilities we have to each other to make that possible. We do this by working together to build our parish into a real community of faith and hope. It means everyone being willing to take their full part in the life of the parish. We do it by making our homes into places of joy and happiness. Again, each person, no matter how young, has a part to play in bringing this about. Married couples do it for each other by working on the quality of their relationship of love in terms of tenderness and affection. This takes dedicating time for each other and using that time well.
Morning Prayer, when together
God our Father, help us to hear your Son.
Enlighten us with your word
that we may find the way to your glory.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
During the day, when apart
Lord, make us holy.
Take away our selfishness
and the limits we set to our love
that we may be prepared to celebrate the resurrection.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Evening/Night Prayer together
Lord, we give thanks for all your gifts of love.
Fill our lives with thankfulness and praise
and bring to us here on earth a share in the life to come.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Questions for Action for the week
For your marriage: Arrange an occasion for yourselves as a couple this week in which you can truly say
‘it is wonderful to be here.’ Plan this.
For others: Think of someone to whom you could bring a sense of joy and gladness this week. How will you go about it?