St. Oliver Plunketts


Mass Times

Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am

about St. Oliver Plunketts

1st Sunday of Advent 2013


First Sunday of Advent

December 1st 2013

Our Salvation is Near

Jesus said to his disciples: “You too must stand ready because the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect”. This week we begin our spiritual preparations for Christmas. We know exactly when that will be – the date is well established – and we know pretty well what we will be doing. The above message from Christ would seem to be superfluous. But of course it is not. We can easily be so concentrated on preparing for Christmas, the coming of Christ, that we can miss him when he comes. Over the next four weeks Christ will come into our homes when we take time to talk to each other, be kind to each other, enjoy our family life with one another. We can be so busy that we don’t let that happen, so we miss him. Christ will come among us in our faith community when we take care of one another as neighbors, as friends, as fellow parishioners. We can easily miss him here. If we do we will also miss him on Christmas Day.

Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.


Morning Prayer together:

All-powerful God, increase our strength of will for doing good

that Christ may find an eager welcome at his coming

and call us to his side in the kingdom of heaven

where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit

one God for ever and ever. Amen.


During the day, when apart.

Father, from all you give us

we offer you the gift of our love for each other in marriage.

As we serve you now accept and increase our love

and sustain us with your promise of eternal life.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen


Evening/Night Prayer together.

Father, may the love we share in our marriage

teach us to love heaven.

May your love for us guide our way on earth.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Questions for Action for the week.
For your marriage
In what ways have you settled down in your love for your wife/husband and take her/him for granted? Share this with one another this week.
 For others
How will you bring joy to others in the lead up to Christmas?