Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.
September 29th – October 5th 2024
God’s Spirit in the World
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Anyone who is not against us is for us’. One of the temptations for us as human beings is to try to control everything. We do it in the close relationships of marriage and family life. And we do it in the context of our life of faith with one another in the parish and in the Church generally. When we try to exercise control in these areas we set limits to the wonderful possibilities that are there for us. The greatest effort of faith is always to give control back to God and live the ways God wants us to live. This has huge implications for marriage and family life in that God’s way is one of love and affection; of joy and gladness; of peace and forgiveness. It also has very big implications for our faith community, which is called to grow in such a way that there is room for everyone.
Morning Prayer, when together
Father, you show your almighty power
in your mercy and forgiveness.
Continue to fill us, as a married couple, with your gifts of love.
Help us to hurry toward the eternal life you promise
and come to share in the joys of your kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
During the day, when apart.
God of mercy,
accept the offering of our married love.
Make it a source of blessing for us
and for all who make up our lives.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Evening/Night Prayer together.
Lord, may our sacrament of marriage
through which we proclaim the presence of Christ
bring us joy and salvation
and make us one with him in glory.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Questions for Action for the week.
For your marriage: Think of ways to show your wife/husband that you are not taking her/him for granted.
Put those into practice this week.
For others: Think of one quality you have as a couple.
How can you use that quality for others this week?