St. Oliver Plunketts


Mass Times

Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am

about St. Oliver Plunketts

3rd Sunday of Easter


 Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.

 April 14th – 20th 2024

 Our Advocate with the Father

Jesus said: “You are witnesses of all I have said.” Over the past few years we have become very aware of the human frailty of the Church, often to the point of keeping our heads down and hoping that it will all go away. And we have good reasons for being ashamed and afraid and even at times resentful. But we also have a great responsibility to witness boldly to Jesus who has risen from the dead and is alive in us and in his Church. We do this, not so much by preaching, as by how we live our lives in joy and hope and love. Our families, our community and our society badly need the witness of people who are happy, content, forgiving, thoughtful, prayerful, caring. If we work at it together we can make a difference. That’s our call this week as husbands and wives, parents and children, and as a community of faith.

 Morning Prayer, when together

God our Father,

May we look forward with hope to our resurrection

for you have made us your daughters and sons

and restored the joy of our youth.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


 During the day, when apart

God of love, receive the gift of our married love.

May the great joy you give us in our marriage and family

come to perfection in heaven.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


 Evening/Night Prayer together

Almighty God, look on us your people with kindness.

Help us to reflect deeply on our marriage

and on the richness we bring to each other in love.

Bring us to the glory of the resurrection.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


Questions for Action for the week

For your marriage: What can you as wife/husband do this week

to give your spouse a sense of hope and gladness in your marriage?

For others: Think of some missionary group that brings hope and faith to others.

How could you help them this week?