St. Oliver Plunketts


Mass Times

Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am

about St. Oliver Plunketts


Greenlough & Bellaghy Advent Penitential Service

The Penitential Services in Clady/Greenlough at 8pm on Monday 18 December, and in Bellaghy at 7.30pm on Tuesday 19 December will be an opportunity to examine our conscience and receive Absolution for our sins collectively. The Services may be followed on the parish webcams.

For times of individual Confession in both parishes and in Portglenone Monastery, please see the parish bulletin of 17 December.

Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Mass Times

Sunday 24 December

Greenlough: 5.30pm

Bellaghy: 7.00pm

Ballyscullion: 7.00pm


Monday 25 December

Ballyscullion: 10.00am

Bellaghy: 11.15am

Greenlough: 11.15am

Parish Day of Reflection & Renewal

Parish Day of Reflection & Renewal: There will be a day of Reflection and Renewal for anyone involved in any aspect of the life of the parish on Saturday 14 October from 10.00am – 1.00pm. Anyone interested in volunteering to serve the parish in any capacity is welcome to come along. More details in September.

Continuous Prayer for Marriage & Family Life

Continuous Prayer Movement for Marriage & Family Life

 “Search and you will find.”

Again, William Barclay says that a better translation for this is:

 ”Keep on searching and you will find”.

We get very used to things the way they are. This is true even when things are not good. We settle for ‘no change’.

When Our Lady was asked to become the Mother of God the question she asked was: “How can this come about?”

That is the