December 15th 2013
Third Sunday of Advent
Joy in the Lord.
“Happy is the one who does not lose faith in me.” Over the past few years many people have lost faith in Christ and in his Church. There have been very good reasons for this, particularly the sins of others that have shocked and rocked us all. However this Christmas is another call to us to renew our faith in Christ, and our loyalty to his Church. We are brought again to the simple crib where God shows us the gentleness of his love. We can let go of the past in this simple place. We can let ourselves be healed from anger or bitterness by this Lord who is among us as a helpless baby. His only desire is that we would be people of compassion for one another and gentleness with one another. We practice this faith firstly in our homes as we grow in love for each member of our family. And we practice it in our community where we can make such a difference in making sure that every person is cared for at this special time.
Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.
Morning Prayer together.
Lord God may we, your people,
who look forward to the birthday of Christ
experience the joy of salvation
and celebrate that feast with love and thanksgiving.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
During the day, when apart.
Lord, may the gift of our love which we offer you
be a continual hymn of praise in your honour
and truly become our salvation.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen
Evening/Night Prayer together.
God of mercy, give us your divine help
in our daily efforts to love one another.
May we prepare for Christmas convinced of your presence
and with our love for each other at the centre of our lives.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Questions for Action for the week.
For your marriage: In what ways could you bring laughter and joy to your wife/husband in your love this week?
For others: To whom could you bring special joy this week?