Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.
Sunday 26th March - 5th Sunday in Lent
He raises us to new life
“If anyone believes in me, even though she/he dies, she/he will live. Do you believe this?” We so easily get caught up in the immediate things of life that we lose sight of the bigger picture. There are so many things to be attended to that we can miss out on the really important ones. This happens all the time in the marriage relationship when couples fail to take time for themselves and their relationship of love because of the other pressures on them. And it is always a big mistake. Make time for each other. In family life also we can see the same thing happen. Parents spend so much of their energy providing for their children that they don’t have time to spend with them and so rob them of the single most important gift. And in our faith community, because of our mentality of duty, we can get into the habit of giving the minimum. The result is that we fail to see the vital importance of spending time together.
Morning Prayer, when together
Father, help us to be like Christ, your Son,
who loved the world and died for our salvation.
Inspire us by his love; guide us by his example,
so that our love may grow every day.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
During the day, when apart
Almighty God, may the sacrifice of our married love
take away our sins and bring joy to those
whom you enlighten with the Christian faith.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Evening/Night Prayer together
Almighty Father, may we always remain one with each other
and with your Son, Jesus Christ.
May our love bring your presence to our world.
We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.
Questions for Action for the week
For your marriage: In what special ways could you surprise your wife/husband in your love this week?
For others: Think of some group that helps to bring comfort to those who are bereaved. How could you help them this week?